George Swar Photography: Blog en-us (C) George Swar Photography [email protected] (George Swar Photography) Mon, 30 Dec 2024 18:43:00 GMT Mon, 30 Dec 2024 18:43:00 GMT George Swar Photography: Blog 120 120 Nay + Thiri-myanmar-wedding-ceremony NMW2024-0001wNMW2024-0001w NMW2024-0007wNMW2024-0007w NMW2024-0011wNMW2024-0011w NMW2024-0017wNMW2024-0017w NMW2024-0025wNMW2024-0025w NMW2024-0034wNMW2024-0034w NMW2024-0058wNMW2024-0058w NMW2024-0065wNMW2024-0065w NMW2024-0076wNMW2024-0076w NMW2024-0080wNMW2024-0080w NMW2024-0083wNMW2024-0083w NMW2024-0088wNMW2024-0088w NMW2024-0096wNMW2024-0096w NMW2024-0099wNMW2024-0099w NMW2024-0126wNMW2024-0126w NMW2024-0133wNMW2024-0133w NMW2024-0146wNMW2024-0146w NMW2024-0152wNMW2024-0152w NMW2024-0155wNMW2024-0155w NMW2024-0169wNMW2024-0169w NMW2024-0172wNMW2024-0172w NMW2024-0177wNMW2024-0177w NMW2024-0183wNMW2024-0183w NMW2024-0190wNMW2024-0190w NMW2024-0195wNMW2024-0195w NMW2024-0207wNMW2024-0207w NMW2024-0225wNMW2024-0225w NMW2024-0248wNMW2024-0248w NMW2024-0252wNMW2024-0252w NMW2024-0254wNMW2024-0254w NMW2024-0257wNMW2024-0257w NMW2024-0258wNMW2024-0258w NMW2024-0268wNMW2024-0268w NMW2024-0278wNMW2024-0278w NMW2024-0290wNMW2024-0290w NMW2024-0292wNMW2024-0292w NMW2024-0296wNMW2024-0296w NMW2024-0301wNMW2024-0301w NMW2024-0304wNMW2024-0304w NMW2024-0307wNMW2024-0307w NMW2024-0314wNMW2024-0314w NMW2024-0323wNMW2024-0323w NMW2024-0328wNMW2024-0328w NMW2024-0334wNMW2024-0334w NMW2024-0337wNMW2024-0337w NMW2024-0341wNMW2024-0341w NMW2024-0348wNMW2024-0348w NMW2024-0352wNMW2024-0352w NMW2024-0355wNMW2024-0355w NMW2024-0403wNMW2024-0403w NMW2024-0428wNMW2024-0428w NMW2024-0439wNMW2024-0439w NMW2024-0443wNMW2024-0443w NMW2024-0455wNMW2024-0455w NMW2024-0467wNMW2024-0467w NMW2024-0473wNMW2024-0473w NMW2024-0488wNMW2024-0488w

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories actress adrian ads affordable age air albums and angeles aperture aps area arranged art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions card carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothes clothing cloud coates company contract cost costume county couple course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow font food for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas IE ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invitation invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark marriage masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must myanmar n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photo photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reception reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots simple star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one traditional trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up upland usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:45:00 GMT
Karyn & Efren's wedding highlights video

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads affordable air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas IE ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up upland usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Fri, 08 Nov 2024 19:11:23 GMT
Karyn & Efren wedding KEW-001KEW-001 KEW-002KEW-002 KEW-003KEW-003 KEW-004KEW-004 KEW-007KEW-007 KEW-008KEW-008 KEW-009KEW-009 KEW-010KEW-010 KEW-011KEW-011 KEW-012KEW-012 KEW-015KEW-015 KEW-016KEW-016 KEW-017KEW-017 KEW-018KEW-018 KEW-020KEW-020 KEW-021KEW-021 KEW-023KEW-023 KEW-024KEW-024 KEW-025KEW-025 KEW-026KEW-026 KEW-028KEW-028 KEW-029KEW-029 KEW-030KEW-030 KEW-031KEW-031 KEW-032KEW-032 KEW-037KEW-037 KEW-038KEW-038 KEW-039KEW-039 KEW-040KEW-040 KEW-041KEW-041 KEW-042KEW-042 KEW-043KEW-043 KEW-044KEW-044 KEW-045KEW-045 KEW-046KEW-046 KEW-047KEW-047 KEW-048KEW-048 KEW-049KEW-049 KEW-050KEW-050 KEW-051KEW-051 KEW-052KEW-052 KEW-053KEW-053 KEW-101KEW-101 KEW-055KEW-055 KEW-056KEW-056 KEW-057KEW-057 KEW-058KEW-058 KEW-059KEW-059 KEW-060KEW-060 KEW-061KEW-061 KEW-062KEW-062 KEW-064KEW-064 KEW-065KEW-065 KEW-066KEW-066 KEW-068KEW-068 KEW-069KEW-069 KEW-070KEW-070 KEW-071KEW-071 KEW-072KEW-072 KEW-073KEW-073 KEW-075KEW-075 KEW-076KEW-076 KEW-077KEW-077 KEW-078KEW-078 KEW-079KEW-079 KEW-080KEW-080 KEW-081KEW-081 KEW-082KEW-082 KEW-083KEW-083 KEW-084KEW-084 KEW-085KEW-085 KEW-086KEW-086 KEW-087KEW-087 KEW-088KEW-088 KEW-089KEW-089 KEW-090KEW-090 KEW-091KEW-091 KEW-092KEW-092 KEW-093KEW-093 KEW-094KEW-094 KEW-095KEW-095 KEW-096KEW-096 KEW-097KEW-097 KEW-098KEW-098 KEW-099KEW-099 KEW-100KEW-100

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads affordable air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sat, 02 Nov 2024 18:43:00 GMT
24-09-26 Esme & Ales's tea ceremony

DSC08055wDSC08055w DSC08056wDSC08056w DSC08064wDSC08064w DSC08074wDSC08074w DSC08077wDSC08077w DSC08084wDSC08084w DSC08096wDSC08096w DSC08103wDSC08103w DSC08114wDSC08114w DSC08119wDSC08119w DSC08127wDSC08127w DSC08130wDSC08130w DSC08141wDSC08141w DSC08160wDSC08160w DSC08166wDSC08166w DSC08178wDSC08178w DSC08184wDSC08184w DSC08186wDSC08186w DSC08195wDSC08195w DSC08197wDSC08197w DSC08200wDSC08200w DSC08211wDSC08211w DSC08219wDSC08219w DSC08221wDSC08221w DSC08225wDSC08225w DSC08227wDSC08227w DSC08233wDSC08233w DSC08239wDSC08239w DSC08244wDSC08244w DSC08249wDSC08249w DSC08257wDSC08257w DSC08259wDSC08259w DSC08266wDSC08266w DSC08268wDSC08268w DSC08273wDSC08273w DSC08274wDSC08274w DSC08285wDSC08285w DSC08289wDSC08289w DSC08293wDSC08293w DSC08297wDSC08297w DSC08305wDSC08305w DSC08306wDSC08306w DSC08308wDSC08308w DSC08314wDSC08314w DSC08315wDSC08315w DSC08325wDSC08325w DSC08345wDSC08345w DSC08349wDSC08349w DSC08350wDSC08350w DSC08353wDSC08353w DSC08357wDSC08357w DSC08360wDSC08360w DSC08370wDSC08370w DSC08374wDSC08374w DSC08384wDSC08384w P1013488wP1013488w P1013496wP1013496w P1013499wP1013499w P1013548wP1013548w P1013583wP1013583w P1013592wP1013592w P1013604wP1013604w P1013611wP1013611w P1013617wP1013617w P1013619wP1013619w P1013621wP1013621w P1013632wP1013632w P1013644wP1013644w P1013658wP1013658w P1013662wP1013662w P1013669wP1013669w P1013684wP1013684w P1013690wP1013690w P1013707wP1013707w P1013711wP1013711w P1013721wP1013721w P1013726wP1013726w P1013732wP1013732w P1013754wP1013754w P1013759wP1013759w P1013775wP1013775w P1013795wP1013795w P1013797wP1013797w P1013810wP1013810w P1013824wP1013824w P1013825wP1013825w P1013833wP1013833w P1013852wP1013852w P1013855wP1013855w P1013869wP1013869w P1013878wP1013878w P1013882wP1013882w P1013888wP1013888w P1013890wP1013890w P1013894wP1013894w P1013900wP1013900w P1013914wP1013914w P1013924wP1013924w P1013926wP1013926w P1013932wP1013932w

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 02:20:01 GMT
Lain and Kingsley Photo shoot in Pasadena City hall, Tea Ceremony & wedding R\reception at Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel, California.

Event by: Allegroevent


LKW24-6BsLKW24-6Bs LKW24-2LKW24-2 LKW24-4LKW24-4 LKW24-7BsLKW24-7Bs LKW24-5LKW24-5 LKW24-19Bs1LKW24-19Bs1

LKW24-22LKW24-22 LKW24-11BsLKW24-11Bs LKW24-6LKW24-6 LKW24-19BsLKW24-19Bs LKW24-9LKW24-9 LKW24-10LKW24-10 LKW24-11LKW24-11 LKW24-12LKW24-12 LKW24-13LKW24-13


LKW24-14LKW24-14 LKW24-15LKW24-15 LKW24-16LKW24-16 LKW24-17LKW24-17 LKW24-18LKW24-18 LKW24-19LKW24-19 LKW24-20LKW24-20 LKW24-21LKW24-21

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads affordable air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots Sun, 07 Jan 2024 03:24:00 GMT
Mr & Mrs Ung J+D W1J+D W1 J+D W2J+D W2 J+D W3J+D W3 J+D W4J+D W4 J+D W5J+D W5 J+D W6J+D W6 J+D W7J+D W7 J+D W8J+D W8 J+D W10J+D W10 J+D W11J+D W11 J+D W12J+D W12 J+D W13J+D W13 J+D W14J+D W14 J+D W15J+D W15 J+D W16J+D W16 J+D W17J+D W17 J+D W18J+D W18 J+D W19J+D W19 J+D W20J+D W20 J+D W21J+D W21 J+D W22J+D W22 J+D W23J+D W23 J+D W24J+D W24 J+D W25J+D W25 J+D W26J+D W26

J+D W1aJ+D W1a J+D W28J+D W28 J+D W29J+D W29 J+D W30J+D W30 J+D W31J+D W31

J+D W36J+D W36 J+D W6aJ+D W6a J+D W37J+D W37 J+D W38J+D W38 J+D W39J+D W39 J+D W40J+D W40 J+D W41J+D W41 J+D W42J+D W42 J+D W43J+D W43 J+D W45J+D W45 J+D W46J+D W46 J+D W47J+D W47 J+D W48J+D W48

J+D W49J+D W49 J+D W50J+D W50 J+D W51J+D W51 J+D W52J+D W52 J+D W53J+D W53 J+D W54J+D W54 J+D W55J+D W55 J+D W56J+D W56 J+D W57J+D W57 J+D W58J+D W58 J+D W59J+D W59 J+D W60J+D W60 J+D W61J+D W61 J+D W62J+D W62 J+D W63J+D W63 J+D W64J+D W64 J+D W65J+D W65 J+D W66J+D W66 J+D W67J+D W67



[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads affordable air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sat, 07 Oct 2023 17:10:00 GMT
Eric + Janice Myanmar Traditional Wedding Ceremony at Temple

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) age burma burmese ceremony cost dress get how in marriage married myanmar to traditional traditions types wedding Fri, 08 Sep 2023 17:15:00 GMT
Old Towne, Orange Historic District Testing the limit with 8 years old camera (RICHO GR II) which was released in 2015. You can read about this camera spec here. Images were shot during golden hours while I was walking toward Orange circle street fair in a fast paced so they are not the best condition.

Old Town Orange/ Orange county.  R0011201wR0011201w R0011202wR0011202w R0011203wR0011203w R0011204wR0011204w R0011205wR0011205w R0011207wR0011207w R0011208wR0011208w R0011209wR0011209w

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) antique apartments art circle directions events old orange parking photos restaurants sale stores town towne yard Mon, 04 Sep 2023 15:07:16 GMT
Courtney+Corey Wedding at: Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Courtney+Corey Highlights from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

Venue: Birch Aquarium (858) 534-3474 Photography: Eri Morita (917) 667-6977 Videography: George Swar Studio: (714) 831-5000 Wedding Planner:​ Officiant: Robert Bady (312) 927-4732 Entertainment: Allen Walker Entertainment (619) 445-0666 Florals: Flit Flowers (760) 585-8156 Bar & Beverage: The French Gourmet Beauty: Kristyn Otto - Hairdresser (760) 579-3935 Kristyn Otto (760) 579-3935 Bride & Bridesmaids Fashion Mia Bella Couture (858) 888-3262 Cake: VG Donut & Bakery (760) 753-2400

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $10 $2 $3 $5 000 1 10 10k 177 2023 23 4 50 5000 6 7 8 808 9 a adam affordable airbnb all and animal anniversary announcements antonio appointment arch art at average backyard balboa bali ballast baluarte band bands barn base bay bayfront beach become best boat botanic botanical bowl brewery bridal brunch budget building ca cakes car carat catamaran catering catholic ceremony cheap children's church city cliffs club contemporary coordinator cortez cost county course courthouse cruise custom dance day de destination diamond diamonds diego dj draymond dream dress dresses east el elopement estate ethereal event expo first flora florist flowers food for forest free friendship fruitcraft gables garden gardens gay gift gifts golf gowns green guest guild hai hair hall halls harbor hilton history hornblower hotel house how ideas in inclusive indian inexpensive instant intimate intramuros ipoh itinerary jacobs jalan james japanese jobs jolla jon julep junipero kai karl knot kona la lane late lebron lessons library license limo live locations loft lot make makeup marina married micro military mission museum natural navy near new night north november ocean of officiant on only outdoor own packages painter paradise park permit person photographers planner planners point pop prado presidio private q quartet rahm ranch rates reception rent rental rentals resort restaurant reviews ring rings rooftop safari same san seaside season serra service shops show shuttle sight skybox small station strauss string sunset tanya tent the thursday tivoli to tower transportation tribune truck u ultimate under union unique university up used venue venues view village vineyard vintage vrbo waterfront wedding weddings westgate wild winery x yacht you your zoo Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:00:00 GMT
The Proposal

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Fri, 21 Jul 2023 21:21:00 GMT
Postcards from Myanmar MM19-20-6939-Enhanced-NRMM19-20-6939-Enhanced-NR MM19-20-6968MM19-20-6968 MM19-20-7377MM19-20-7377 MM19-20-7531MM19-20-7531 MM19-20-7603MM19-20-7603 MM19-20-7810-PanoMM19-20-7810-Pano MM19-20-7918MM19-20-7918 MM19-20-7969MM19-20-7969 MM19-20-8258MM19-20-8258 MM19-20-8296MM19-20-8296 MM19-20-8318MM19-20-8318

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Fri, 21 Jul 2023 05:45:28 GMT
Bosco and Fatima  



BFW23-00042BBFW23-00042B BFW23-00017BFW23-00017 BFW23-00061BFW23-00061


BFW23-00067BFW23-00067 BFW23-00094BFW23-00094 BFW23-00107BFW23-00107 BFW23-00118BFW23-00118 BFW23-00124BFW23-00124 BFW23-00130BFW23-00130 BFW23-00132BFW23-00132 BFW23-00137BFW23-00137 BFW23-00141BFW23-00141 BFW23-00147BFW23-00147 BFW23-00161BFW23-00161 BFW23-00165BFW23-00165 BFW23-00168BFW23-00168 BFW23-00171BFW23-00171 BFW23-00184BFW23-00184 BFW23-00194BFW23-00194 BFW23-00213BFW23-00213 BFW23-00237BFW23-00237 BFW23-00244BFW23-00244 BFW23-00260BFW23-00260 BFW23-00266BFW23-00266 BFW23-00270BFW23-00270 BFW23-00272BFW23-00272 BFW23-00280BFW23-00280 BFW23-00291BFW23-00291 BFW23-00297BFW23-00297 BFW23-00300BFW23-00300 BFW23-00315BFW23-00315 BFW23-00322BFW23-00322 BFW23-00329BFW23-00329 BFW23-00338BFW23-00338 BFW23-00345BFW23-00345 BFW23-00351BFW23-00351 BFW23-00362BFW23-00362 BFW23-00369BFW23-00369 BFW23-00376BFW23-00376 BFW23-00381BFW23-00381 BFW23-00390BFW23-00390 BFW23-00404BFW23-00404 BFW23-00432BFW23-00432 BFW23-00445BFW23-00445 BFW23-00456BFW23-00456 BFW23-00459BFW23-00459

BFW23-00439sBFW23-00439s BFW23-00467BFW23-00467 BFW23-00489BFW23-00489 BFW23-00500BFW23-00500 BFW23-00509BFW23-00509 BFW23-00527BFW23-00527 BFW23-00530BFW23-00530

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Fri, 07 Jul 2023 22:30:00 GMT
Maddie + Brett's Wedding Highlights

Maddie + Brett wedding 2023 from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Wed, 07 Jun 2023 19:46:56 GMT
Y-K-wedding Y&K (ရဲလင်းအောင်+နန်းခေမား)

Burmese Progressive Buddhist Association

Myanmar/ Shan Wedding


YKW23-0051LLYKW23-0051LL YKW23-0076LLYKW23-0076LL

YKW23-0107LLYKW23-0107LL   YKW23-0119LLYKW23-0119LL YKW23-0141LLYKW23-0141LL YKW23-0147LLYKW23-0147LL YKW23-0165LLYKW23-0165LL YKW23-0170LLYKW23-0170LL YKW23-0182LLYKW23-0182LL YKW23-0183LLYKW23-0183LL YKW23-0186LLYKW23-0186LL YKW23-0372LYKW23-0372L P1753459LsP1753459Ls YKW23-0381LYKW23-0381L

YKW23-0401LLYKW23-0401LL YKW23-0423LLYKW23-0423LL YKW23-0429LLYKW23-0429LL YKW23-0432LLYKW23-0432LL YKW23-0443LLYKW23-0443LL P1753563LsP1753563Ls YKW23-0411L2LYKW23-0411L2L YKW23-0445LLYKW23-0445LL P1753610LsP1753610Ls YKW23-0463LLYKW23-0463LL YKW23-0467LLYKW23-0467LL YKW23-0473LLYKW23-0473LL YKW23-0478LLYKW23-0478LL P1753643LsP1753643Ls





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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic MayOo me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sun, 12 Mar 2023 17:27:00 GMT
Thuthiri + Samuel TSW22-0052sTSW22-0052s TSW22-0060sTSW22-0060s TSW22-0062sTSW22-0062s TSW22-0063sTSW22-0063s TSW22-0081sTSW22-0081s TSW22-0100sTSW22-0100s TSW22-0102sTSW22-0102s TSW22-0106sTSW22-0106s TSW22-0110sTSW22-0110s TSW22-0111sTSW22-0111s TSW22-0116sTSW22-0116s TSW22-0127sTSW22-0127s TSW22-0177sTSW22-0177s TSW22-0197sTSW22-0197s TSW22-0198sTSW22-0198s TSW22-0200sTSW22-0200s TSW22-0203sTSW22-0203s TSW22-0207sTSW22-0207s TSW22-0311sTSW22-0311s TSW22-0449sTSW22-0449s TSW22-0453sTSW22-0453s TSW22-0454sTSW22-0454s TSW22-0475sTSW22-0475s TSW22-0480sTSW22-0480s TSW22-0529sTSW22-0529s TSW22-0534sTSW22-0534s TSW22-0541sTSW22-0541s TSW22-0557sTSW22-0557s TSW22-0572sTSW22-0572s TSW22-0578sTSW22-0578s TSW22-0586sTSW22-0586s TSW22-0587sTSW22-0587s TSW22-0605sTSW22-0605s TSW22-0609sTSW22-0609s TSW22-0613sTSW22-0613s TSW22-0615sTSW22-0615s TSW22-0325sTSW22-0325s TSW22-0334sTSW22-0334s TSW22-0341sTSW22-0341s TSW22-0357sTSW22-0357s TSW22-0362sTSW22-0362s TSW22-0371sTSW22-0371s TSW22-0377sTSW22-0377s TSW22-0380sTSW22-0380s TSW22-0386sTSW22-0386s TSW22-0390sTSW22-0390s TSW22-0401sTSW22-0401s TSW22-0412sTSW22-0412s TSW22-0422sTSW22-0422s TSW22-0425sTSW22-0425s TSW22-0429sTSW22-0429s TSW22-0436sTSW22-0436s TSW22-0443sTSW22-0443s

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads affordable air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley asian atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian bride brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients clothing cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio engagement enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses pre presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quinceañera quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Mon, 05 Sep 2022 05:00:00 GMT
Jennifer & Ifeanyi's wedding A styling Nigerian wedding


Sade Cooper: [email protected] #EventPlanner #Wedding Coordinator 

Pro-Makeup Artist: Luminous Gleam by Yetty:

TWIN PERFECTIONS EVENTS: Event Designer (424) 999.5627  twinperfections

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JIW21-0190wJIW21-0190w JIW21-0225wJIW21-0225w

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin checklist ciaran city classes click clients cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's duluth e e&o editing editor email emilio enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Tue, 15 Feb 2022 01:43:00 GMT
T+R Wedding Photo & Video: George Swar Photography by: Chuong Hoang

Location: Richard Nixon Foundation


TRWD3-0009wTRWD3-0009w TRWD3-0020wTRWD3-0020w TRWD3-0026wTRWD3-0026w TRWD3-0038wTRWD3-0038w TRWD3-0059wTRWD3-0059w TRWD3-0071AwTRWD3-0071Aw TRWD3-0095AwTRWD3-0095Aw TRWD3-0105wTRWD3-0105w TRWD3-0109wTRWD3-0109w TRWD3-0122wTRWD3-0122w TRWD3-0137w1TRWD3-0137w1 TRWD3-0142wTRWD3-0142w TRWD3-0167w1TRWD3-0167w1 TRWD3-0169wTRWD3-0169w TRWD3-0184wTRWD3-0184w TRWD3-0194wTRWD3-0194w TRWD3-0200wTRWD3-0200w TRWD3-0204wTRWD3-0204w TRWD3-0281wTRWD3-0281w TRWD3-0286w1TRWD3-0286w1 TRWD3-0334wTRWD3-0334w TRWD3-0337wTRWD3-0337w TRWD3-0346wTRWD3-0346w TRWD3-0347wTRWD3-0347w TRWD3-0351wTRWD3-0351w TRWD3-0351wTRWD3-0351w TRWD3-0356wTRWD3-0356w TRWD3-0357wTRWD3-0357w TRWD3-0361wTRWD3-0361w TRWD3-0370wTRWD3-0370w TRWD3-0377wTRWD3-0377w TRWD3-0381wTRWD3-0381w TRWD3-0388wTRWD3-0388w TRWD3-0392wTRWD3-0392w TRWD3-0400wTRWD3-0400w TRWD3-0411wTRWD3-0411w TRWD3-0414wTRWD3-0414w TRWD3-0418wTRWD3-0418w TRWD3-0420wTRWD3-0420w TRWD3-0425wTRWD3-0425w TRWD3-0431wTRWD3-0431w TRWD3-0444wTRWD3-0444w TRWD3-0450wTRWD3-0450w TRWD3-0457wTRWD3-0457w TRWD3-0459wTRWD3-0459w TRWD3-0469wTRWD3-0469w TRWD3-0472wTRWD3-0472w TRWD3-0473wTRWD3-0473w TRWD3-0492wTRWD3-0492w TRWD3-0508wTRWD3-0508w TRWD3-0509wTRWD3-0509w TRWD3-0523wTRWD3-0523w TRWD3-0535wTRWD3-0535w TRWD3-0542wTRWD3-0542w TRWD3-0544wTRWD3-0544w TRWD3-0546wTRWD3-0546w TRWD3-0554wTRWD3-0554w TRWD3-0565wTRWD3-0565w TRWD3-0582wTRWD3-0582w TRWD3-0601wTRWD3-0601w TRWD3-0611wTRWD3-0611w TRWD3-0650wTRWD3-0650w TRWD3-0656wTRWD3-0656w TRWD3-0671wTRWD3-0671w TRWD3-0693wTRWD3-0693w TRWD3-0694wTRWD3-0694w TRWD3-0714wTRWD3-0714w TRWD3-0717wTRWD3-0717w TRWD3-0730wTRWD3-0730w TRWD3-0742w1TRWD3-0742w1 TRWD3-0761wTRWD3-0761w TRWD3-0763wTRWD3-0763w TRWD3-0777wTRWD3-0777w TRWD3-0864wTRWD3-0864w TRWD3-0870wTRWD3-0870w

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin ceremony checklist ciaran city classes click clients cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's dress duluth e e&o editing email emilio enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in indian inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list location locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan outdoor pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:58:00 GMT
Jennifer + Wedding highlights  


J+I wedding from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) #bridal #brideandgroom #bridestory #cinematic #cinematicwedding #cinematography #couple #couplegoals #destinationweddingvideographer #dreamwedding #engaged #engagement #luxurywedding #photographer #s #thebridestory #theknot #videowedding #weddingceremony #weddingcinema #weddingcinematic #weddingcinematography #weddingdecor #weddingfilms #weddingku #weddingstyle #weddingvideographers 1 10 2020 2021 2022 2023 3 5 60th 8 9 a accessories african alaga america american and ankara anniversary army aso asoebi at attire average banner beads beautiful best big birthday black blessing blind blue boat bridal bride bridesmaid budget buffet cake can capsizes card cards catering ceremony checklist classic clothes clothing code colors colour combination coral cost couple crash crashers customs dance danceable day days decor decorations design designer designs do does down download dress dresses earring ebi elegant emcee emerald emergency entrance ethiopian etiquette events expect expensive fabric facts fake fan fascinator fashion favors flowers food for free fruit funny game garb gay gele generator ghana gift gifts gold gospel gown gowns green groom groomsmen guest guests guide hair hairstyles hall hand happens hashtag hashtags hat head headdress hot how i ideas igbo images in indian interracial introduction invitation invite irish is it's iv jamaican jewelry jewish jokes jotter jumpsuit keke killed kiss korean lace ladies lagos last latest laws lebanese-nigerian legal like list london long look love make makeup male many marriage mc men's menu mexican million modern money months most movie movies mp3 much music muslim my naira navy necklace netflix nigeria nigerian night of old on order outfits ovation pakistani party pays pdf peach photograph photography photos pictures pinterest plan planner planning playlist plus popular program purple questions quotes recent reception recipe red reddit registry rhinestone rich ride ring rings rituals royal sample samples season sets shoe should shower simple size small somali song songs souvenir souvenirs spray spraying styles suit suits swedish system template templates the themes three throw throwing tiktok timeline to toast top toxicity tradition traditional traditions types uk uniform unique up us usa veil vendors venue venues video videos viral vows wear website wedding weddings what white who woman women's wrap year yoruba you your youtube Sun, 21 Nov 2021 01:23:00 GMT
Shannon+Anthony SAW-1BSAW-1B SAW-2SAW-2 SAW-3SAW-3 SAW-5SAW-5 SAW-6SAW-6 SAW-7SAW-7 SAW-8ASAW-8A SAW-10SAW-10 SAW-11SAW-11 SAW-12SAW-12 SAW-13SAW-13 SAW-14SAW-14 SAW-15SAW-15 SAW-16SAW-16 SAW-17SAW-17 SAW-18SAW-18 SAW-19SAW-19 SAW-20SAW-20 SAW-21SAW-21 SAW-23SAW-23 SAW-25BSAW-25B SAW-26SAW-26 SAW-27SAW-27 SAW-28SAW-28 SAW-29SAW-29 SAW-30SAW-30 SAW-31SAW-31 SAW-32SAW-32 SAW-34BSAW-34B SAW-35SAW-35 SAW-36SAW-36 SAW-37SAW-37 SAW-38SAW-38 SAW-40SAW-40 SAW-41SAW-41 SAW-42SAW-42 SAW-43SAW-43 SAW-45SAW-45 SAW-46SAW-46 SAW-47SAW-47

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Sat, 16 Oct 2021 21:03:00 GMT
Jessica+Ray Jessica + Ray's wedding highlights:

White house event center Anaheim, DJ by: DjLibra





















[email protected] (George Swar Photography) $1 $1500 $500 $800 & 000 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 100-400 101 1080p 1950s 2 2000 2008 2020 2021 24-70 24mm 2nd 3 3000 30000 35mm 360 3d 4 4/3 4k 5 500 50mm 55-200mm 55mm 5d 6 60d 60s 614 6d 7 70-200 70d 70s 74 750 7-best-dslrs-for-wedding-photography 7x5 8 80204 80d 85mm 9 90d a accessories adrian ads air albums and angeles aperture aps area art artisan artists ashley atlanta average b b&w background bali basics bay beach beginners best blog boise books box brian brides brisbane budget business by c c&g camera canon captions carlin checklist ciaran city classes click clients cloud coates company contract cost county course crew d d&a dallas d'amico dan danny davide definition delhi denver description detail details diego do doney don'ts do's duluth e e&o editing email emilio enough eos equipment events examples f family fargo first fl flash flyer follow for fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear generator georgie giveaway greenville guide h hashtags have haves hawaii hayley hi hill hotels hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i ideas ii images in inspiration instagram insurance invoice iphone is itinerary j jacksonville j'adore james jammu job jobs johnson jonny joplin k k&s k.nasif kansas kentucky kerala kerrville keywords kit knoxville kochi ks kurunegala l las leica lens lenses lighting list locations london long look los m m&m m&r magazine many mark masterclass mavic me media melbourne miami michael micro minute mitchell mn mo mumbai must n name names nashville natalie nc nd near new nick nikon nj no ny nyc oahu ocean o'day o'hara ohio okc o'keefe olympus omaha on o'neill online options or orange orlando orleans o'sullivan pa package packages parker paula pdf pen perth pfister photographer photography photos plus poses presets price prices prime printable pro2 production q q&a questionnaire questions quiz quote quotes r r&b r/wedding raleigh rate rates reddit retreat reviews richmond ring rochester s s&g s.r. salary san sc school services setup shoaib shoot shooter shop shot shots star starting stop story studio styles techniques template templates the time timeline tips tn to t-one trends tulsa turnaround tx uk under up usa usb use utah utica v va valentina valley vegas venues vermont video videography virginia vision w w.c.p. website websites wedding weddings welcome what wichita wilmington with workflow workshops x x-pro1 x-t2 x-t3 x-t30 xt4 yarra yeovil yerevan york yorkshire youngstown youtube z z6 zanesville zealand zoltan zone zoom zurich Sat, 02 Oct 2021 20:02:00 GMT
Marissa & Joe Congratulations to Marissa & Joe

Wedding reception at: Upland Banquet & Event Center

Makeup and hair by: Tammy -

MJW21-0005-EditbMJW21-0005-Editb MJW21-0058-EditbMJW21-0058-Editb MJW21-0069-EditbMJW21-0069-Editb MJW21-0078bMJW21-0078b MJW21-0116bMJW21-0116b MJW21-0130-EditbMJW21-0130-Editb MJW21-0174bMJW21-0174b MJW21-0359sMJW21-0359s MJW21-0368bMJW21-0368b MJW21-0402-EditbMJW21-0402-Editb MJW21-0420-EditbMJW21-0420-Editb MJW21-0427-EditbMJW21-0427-Editb MJW21-0461sMJW21-0461s MJW21-0477sMJW21-0477s

MJW21-0546AsMJW21-0546As MJW21-0519sMJW21-0519s MJW21-0554AsMJW21-0554As MJW21-0765sMJW21-0765s MJW21-0838sMJW21-0838s MJW21-0892sMJW21-0892s MJW21-0898sMJW21-0898s MJW21-0903sMJW21-0903s MJW21-0978sMJW21-0978s MJW21-1092sMJW21-1092s

A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of marriage vows by a couple, presentation of a gift, and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or celebrant. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed by a wedding reception. Music, poetry, prayers, or readings from religious texts or literature are also commonly incorporated into the ceremony, as well as superstitious customs.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) & banquet center ceremony dress event IE inland location outdoor photographer upland wedding Sun, 26 Sep 2021 02:35:00 GMT
Hisham & Zara's Nikkah Congratulations to Hisham & Zaras nikkah ceremony.


HZN21-0079L1wHZN21-0079L1w HZN21-0101wHZN21-0101w HZN21-0122wHZN21-0122w

HZN21-0129L1wHZN21-0129L1w HZN21-0141wHZN21-0141w HZN21-0152wHZN21-0152w HZN21-0249L1wHZN21-0249L1w HZN21-0253L1wHZN21-0253L1w

In Islam, marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman. Both the groom and the bride are to consent to the marriage of their own free wills. A formal, binding contract – verbal or on paper – is considered integral to a religiously valid Islamic marriage, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom and bride.


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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) ceremony dress location nikka nikkah wedding Sat, 04 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT
Erica & Sven wedding highlights Let Black Gold Customize Your Dream Wedding. The majestic natural surroundings, the sparkling blue lake, the 18th green waterfall, beautifully manicured rolling fairways and twinkling city lights.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) black ceremony course dress gold golf linda location photographer wedding yorba Mon, 12 Jul 2021 01:28:00 GMT
L-S-wedding L+S Wedding 

White House Banquets & Event Center


LSW21-0004BLSW21-0004B LSW21-0033BLSW21-0033B LSW21-0045BLSW21-0045B LSW21-0088BLSW21-0088B LSW21-0111BLSW21-0111B LSW21-0117B-2LSW21-0117B-2 LSW21-0142BLSW21-0142B LSW21-0158BLSW21-0158B LSW21-0167BLSW21-0167B LSW21-0189BLSW21-0189B LSW21-0198BLSW21-0198B LSW21-0222BLSW21-0222B LSW21-0254BLSW21-0254B LSW21-0261BLSW21-0261B LSW21-0267BLSW21-0267B LSW21-0293BLSW21-0293B

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) - #1 $1000 $300 $3000 $500 $800 & 00926 02333 02891 08021 08022 08054 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 10 1000 101 1500 18-200 18-55 19020 1970s 2 2000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 24-70 24-85 24mm 2nd 3 30 300k 35mm 4 4/3 43950 44060 44095 44512 46307 46410 48081 4k 5 500 500px 50mm 55-250 5d 6 600 60544 60619 60659 60d 61021 63301 64 6d 7 70-200 70-200mm 70346 70d 76137 77002 77065 77070 78041 7d 8 800 85 85mm 88310 9 90004 90024 92124 94558 94565 99designs a a&g a.h. ad advertising advice affordable agreement ahmed albums alec a-list alpha amit anand and angeles aperture aps-c area art ashley ashli ask assistant avenue average b b&h b&w backdrops background bali basics bay beach beginners best birmingham blogs book books brian bridals bride brisbane brochure brown budget business by c c&g c.s.s. camera cameras cancellation canon cards cave ceremony cheap checklist city classes clients clothing cloud coed cole contract cost county course courses craig crew d d. danny d'aria dav.d david dayton dc deals definition degrees delaware delhi delivery deposit description destin diego dji do doc dog doney donnie dream dress dresses drone d'studio dummies dz.c. e ebook editing editor education el elliot e-m1 email emilio emily engagement equipment essentials estimate etiquette euan evan examples expo f facebook facts fails family famous faq films find first fl flash flyer focus for forum four frames francisco fstoppers fuji fujifilm g gallery garman gear getting gigs giveaway gopro grand great greenville groupon guide h h&d hacks hashtags haves hawaii hearts hero hi history hour hourly hours houston how hyderabad i i&w ideas ii iii images in inquiry inspiration instagram insurance internships investment invoice iphone ireland island i-wedding j j&j j&k jackson jacksonville j'adore james jamie jani je jefferson jeffrey job jobs john johnson jones joplin k k&s k-5 kalamazoo kalp kansas kauai keda kerala key keywords khan kit knot knoxville kolkata ky l lady l'affection l'amour l'aquila lawsuit leica lens lenses lexington lighting lightroom lisa list local location locations logo london look los love low lucy m m&m m&r m5 magazine maine mamiya manchester many marcia mark marketing martin masters me media mi miami michael michigan micro miller mn mo mode model monochrom ms must mwstwr n n.i names naomi nc near needs new newport nex nikon nj north nos number ny nyc o'brien of ohio okc oklahoma olympus omaha omar om-d on on3 online options or orange o'reilly's orlando outdoor outfit p p&o p&p pa package packages packaging packet page paso patching pdf pentax permit pham phantom phil photo photographer photographers photography photos pictures plan plus poses presets prewedding price prices pricing pro1 program q questionnaire questions quinceanera quinceañera quiz quotation quote quotes r rain raleigh rapids rate rates ready reddit referral regrets release response restaurant reveal review reviews rhode ri richard richmond ring rings riz roberts rochester rock roll ryan s s&g s.m salary samples san sara sattui sayings sc schedule service services settings sheet shoaib shooter shot shots sims sony square star starting statement station stop street studio studios style styles suggestions suzi swan-e-set switzerland sydney t t&p t'adore template templates teresa the timeline tips tn to tom tone t-one top trends tricks tumblr tustinranch tutorial tutorials tx types typical u uk under up upstate usa usb utah utica v va vale valley vendors vermont victoria video videography videos vietnamese virginia vision vs vt w walton wang waqar washington website websites wed wedding weddings weddingwire welcome west white white-house-banquets+event-enter wilmington wisconsin workflow workshop workshops world x x100 x100s x100t x-e1 x-e2 xpressions x-pro1 xt1 x-t10 y yarra yearly yeovil yogyakarta york yorkshire youngstown youtube z za zamboanga zanesville zante zanzibar zimbabwe zonzo zoom zurich Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:50:00 GMT
Jasmin+Gilberto Chapel of Orange in Orange county.

Jasmin & Gilberto's wedding from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

#weddingvideo #wedding #weddingvideography #weddingphotography #weddingvideographer #weddingfilm #weddingday #weddinginspiration #bride #weddingdress #love #weddingphotographer #weddingphoto #videographer #destinationwedding #prewedding #videography #bridetobe #weddings #groom #weddingfilmmaker #weddingideas #photography #video #weddingclip #weddingcinematic #weddingvideos #cinematography #weddingplanner #chapeloforange

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) weddingfilm  weddingideas  weddingvideographer bride bridetobe budgetwedding budgetweddingphotographer cinematography destinationwedding georgeswarphotography groom highlights highlightwedding love lovestory ocvenue ocwedding ocweddingphotographer orangecountywedding photography prewedding video videographer videography wedding weddingcinematic weddingclip weddingday weddingdress weddingfilmmaker weddinginspiration weddingphoto weddingphotographer weddingphotography weddingplanner weddingreel weddings weddingvideo weddingvideography weddingvideos yesido Sat, 12 Dec 2020 20:45:00 GMT
Rosa + Gibson Wedding ceremony during pandemic at the outside the church.

RGW20-0017RGW20-0017 RGW20-0110RGW20-0110

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RGW20-0145RGW20-0145 RGW20-0158RGW20-0158 RGW20-0173RGW20-0173 RGW20-0174RGW20-0174 RGW20-0178RGW20-0178

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) covid19 outdoor pandemic wedding Fri, 04 Dec 2020 23:17:00 GMT
Amanda & Ernest's wedding highlights Chapel of Orange - Orange County, California

Amanda & Ernest's wedding highlights from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.


#weddingvideo #wedding #weddingvideography #weddingphotography #weddingvideographer #weddingfilm #weddingday #weddinginspiration #bride #weddingdress #love #weddingphotographer #weddingphoto #videographer #destinationwedding #prewedding #videography #bridetobe #weddings #groom #weddingfilmmaker #weddingideas #photography #video #weddingclip #weddingcinematic #weddingvideos #cinematography #weddingplanner #georgeswarphotography

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Mary Jane & David's Wedding - Love never stops even during pandemic. Love never stops even during a pandemic time.

Mary Jane and David from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) ceremony dress pandemicwedding wedding Sat, 19 Sep 2020 18:30:00 GMT
The Quinceanera Promo Pricing The Quinceanera Pricing



Standard Pricing:

All-inclusive Package (most popular) $2999

$1500 for 8 hrs coverage photography

$1500 for 8 hrs video coverage

$350 for Pre-Photoshoot with big Canvas Print (24” x 36”)

$200 for sign-in book & 100- 4x6” custom thank you card prints

$250 for slideshow, projector & screen.

$300 for 10” x 10” - 20 pages custom digital album



Pre-Photoshoot with big Canvas Print (24” x 36”)

8 hrs Photography & Video coverage with each operator

10” x 10” - 20 pages custom digital album, full-length video & 

5~6 min highlights video








All-inclusive Package (most popular) $3499

  • Pre-Photoshoot with big Canvas Print (24” x 36”)

  • 8 hrs Photography & Video coverage with each operator

  • 10” x 10” - 20 pages custom digital album

  • 5~6 min highlights video

  • 2 hrs photo booth





[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Wed, 27 May 2020 18:35:25 GMT
Travel images Due to Covid-19 issue, most of us are staying home and I found some time updating my website with travel photography.

Please take a look at some of the images from my past trips.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) asia china europe location london paris travel uk Sat, 23 May 2020 23:16:30 GMT
Upland Event & Banquet Center Event Center, Venue, Banquet, Wedding, Ceremony, Reception, Sophistication, Elegance, Upland Events CenterUpland Banquet CenterUplandCenterBanquet, Hall ...

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Center  Upland Banquet Ceremony Elegance Event Events Hall Reception Sophistication Venue Wedding Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:18:00 GMT
May+Sai Engagement Photo Session I've been waiting for this shoot for a very long time because I met them over 10 years ago while they were dating at that time. I told them call me when you guys are ready for the next chapter and yes, they call me for their engagement photo session and I was very excited for that shoot. That day went well and you don't normally see cloudy like this in Southern California. I can say this is one top 3 shoots I ever did in this location with beautiful sunset & beautiful clouds. Any beach in City of Laguna Beach requires photo permits for a shoot like that even though there were a few photographers with a tripod & nice camera setup. But better to be safe than getting a ticket or talking with park rangers. I just want to concentrate on my art/ getting the right shot which my clients will keep those rest of their life.

We are offering a special package of 8 hrs for photography & video for $2999 including album. Please click on the link below for detail.

Special Wedding Package 

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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) beach Laguna victorial Tue, 25 Feb 2020 00:49:33 GMT
Missing you - Myanmar Missing You HD

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Thu, 17 Oct 2019 16:05:37 GMT
Same-Sex Marriage If you Google gay marriage or same-sex marriage, you will see just how controversial the issue is. For example, you will see questions like “Should same-sex marriage be legal?” Of course, you don’t even have to Google it to know the controversy surrounding same-sex marriage. We have seen the stories of people who are unwilling to provide their services to same-sex couples for their weddings. It certainly shows how far we still have to progress as a society, plus that kind of thinking adds an unnecessary hassle to an event that is already difficult to plan.

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But why is that? Why does it matter to some bureaucrat who marries whom? That’s not an easy question to answer. In a perfect world, same-sex marriage wouldn’t be an issue at all. After all, love is love no matter the sexual preferences of the people involved. Furthermore, it’s absurd to think that anyone can legislate the love between two people. Love isn’t about legislation. It’s about experiencing the deepest emotion that a human can feel. However, we don’t live in a perfect world.

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We can’t promise that society will progress the way it should, but we can promise that we will do what we can to make your day as special as possible. We celebrate love regardless of the two people who want to make the greatest possible expression of love. And it’s not just something we do for Pride Month. We are willing to shoot any wedding at any time. You want everything about your wedding day to be perfect, and we want to help with that. It doesn’t matter if your ceremony is at a church, a lodge, the courthouse, or any other location. If you provide the date, the location, and the witnesses, we’ll provide the photos that will make your special day unforgettable. Contact us today to book us for your wedding.

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Orange County Clerk-Recorder in Anaheim office:



[email protected] (George Swar Photography) ceremony location photographer samesexmarriage wedding Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:00:00 GMT
Cruise wedding One of the great things about living in southern California is that so many things are available here that aren’t available elsewhere in the United States. That’s the case whether you’re talking about entertainment options or scenic backdrops.

Of course one of the scenic backdrops available here is the ocean and the beach. People find a way to incorporate the ocean into everything from recreational activities like surfing to weddings. That’s right. If you feel the ocean in your soul, you can incorporate it into your wedding plans with a seaside ceremony followed by a reception on a yacht that cruises the harbor.

While the experience of reception on a yacht is definitely one that you and your guests will remember, it provides the opportunity for stunning photos to remember your special day. While there is nothing wrong with a wedding in a church, it does provide limited options for your wedding photos. Your photos can either be inside the church or outside the church. That’s pretty much it. However, on a yacht, you can get photos and videos not only of your guests celebrating on a yacht but also of all the scenery that goes along with it. Just imagine if your wedding photos include shots of the sun setting on the ocean. Those are the kinds of images that you frame and hang on your wall.
If you have booked a wedding cruise, we want to help you capture those unforgettable images. Whether it’s the ample scenery surrounding the yacht or the bride and groom cutting and sharing the cake, we want to be there to deliver those images that will live on with you and your guests. Check out this video from a wedding we shot aboard a wedding cruise on the harbor, and you’ll see that we are more than capable of delivering the goods for images of your special day in a unique setting.

We want to be your wedding photographer no matter where the wedding takes place. We can make your day that much better by giving you the best photos possible. Contact us to discuss what we can do to immortalize your wedding day with unforgettable images.

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Hornblower creates amazing experiences with dining cruises, yacht charters and so much more. Find the perfect experience and hop aboard a Hornblower yacht today. ... Corporate events · boat weddings · Cruise into 'I Do'. Weddings on the cruise ship.

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) & beach Cruises dress Events Hornblower location newport outdoor photographer wedding Sun, 09 Jun 2019 23:17:00 GMT
Proposal When it comes to the events surrounding a wedding, pretty much every aspect is documented from the engagement party through the reception. (Of course any photos from the honeymoon are between you and your spouse.) Yet, there is one moment that often lives only in stories from the bride and groom: the proposal. That’s odd considering it’s one of the biggest moments a person can have. You might remember the expression on the face of your fiancé when the question was asked and answered. However, memories fade, and after a while you may not remember every detail as vividly as in the moments immediately after the proposal.

Furthermore, you can tell your friends all the details you remember about the occasion, but it won’t present as vivid an image as if you can show them pictures of your special moment. The thing is that those memories don’t have to fade, and you don’t have to settle for a vague description of the proposal to your friends.

“How am I supposed to get photos of my proposal?” you ask.

Well, you can hire a photographer to capture that special moment so you will remember the proposal vividly and forever - right down to the color of the sky at sunset if you happen to propose outdoors. That’s the sort of detail that just cannot be captured in a verbal description. In this case, pictures really are worth a thousand words.
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We want to help you remember the proposal as vividly as anything you remember from the wedding ceremony and reception. We are happy to book proposal shoots for you and your fiancé-to-be. Book your shoot with us and rest assured that your unique proposal will be handled by a reliable, professional photographer who will be in the right place (perhaps the location of your first date, your favorite park, or any other location that is meaningful to you) at the right time to capture every moment. We want to help you tell your story not only to your friends and family but also to each other when you reminisce about the proposal. Contact us for a quote and book your proposal photo shoot today.  


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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) a airplane at balloons banners beach book bruno caption dance describing destinations dream example in mars mob online planner planning proposal read shard songs speech the videos wedding writing Fri, 07 Jun 2019 13:00:00 GMT
Who Needs Headshots? We have all heard of headshots, but what are the real and who needs them anyway?  In the minds of many, headshots are only necessary for actors and models, but due to popular belief, they can be useful to many small businesses.  They can also help you capture special life events such as High School or College graduation announcements, birthdays, anniversaries, and even Military Service.

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If you run a small business, you know that it can be difficult to find ways to make your business stand out.  Realtors, CPAs, and Attorneys often include a picture of themselves on their business cards and signage. Consider having headshots taken of your team and displayed on your website with a small bio for each person.  Doing this allows potential clients to get a sense that they already know something about you and your staff.

Many people in Southern California aspire to become models and actors.  If you fit into this category, you know that you have to have professional headshots in your portfolio.  George Swar Photography aspires to give you the exact “say something” look you want to convey in your portraits.

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Your High School or College graduation is a big day!  It’s a day spent celebrating your Academic achievements with family and friends.  Customarily, the parents of the graduate send out an “announcement” of graduation to the people they want to celebrate with.  Generally, this includes an invitation to the graduation party or event. A graduation headshot is often included along with this announcement.  

Celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary?  Include a headshot of the birthday boy or girl or the couple on party invitations or online event notifications for a more personal touch.  This can also make a great gift for parents or grandparents that are celebrating 10, 20, 50 or more years of marriage.

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As a Military Serviceman himself, George Swar values the sacrifice and service of Military Personnel and Veterans.  Celebrate your Military accomplishments or enlistment with a headshot donning your uniform, medals, and other accolades.  A Military headshot is a perfect way to commemorate your or your Military loved one’s service.

George Swar Photography in Garden Grove offers a calm and serene studio location for your professional headshots and even includes touch-ups on your favorite portraits starting at just $75.00.  Call us at (949) 285-7714 to inquire about group rates.


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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) business cost county dress examples headshots location me near orange photographer photos professional tips to wear what Fri, 10 May 2019 15:58:03 GMT
Capturing the Beauty and Elegance of a Burmese Muslim Wedding

I recently had the pleasure of photographing a Burmese Muslim wedding at the Upland Event Center.  It was such a beautiful and unique event which included a two-day celebration called “Nikha” prior to the reception the following day.  

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During this celebration, the couple is donned with traditional Burmese & Muslim clothing and, following the teachings of the Quran, this clothing symbolizes that the couple is each other’s protector and comforter.  This custom symbolizes that they are meant for each other. The Quran states: “And among His signs is this, that he created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts.”  Family and the creation of a family is one of the most important values in the Musliim culture. According to the teachings, the family is “meant to be productive and constructive, helping and encouraging one another to be good and righteous, and competing with one another in good works.”

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The Nikha was also performed during the couple’s two-day event.  Traditionally, the Nikha ceremony includes a signing of the marriage contract.  Following this tradition, the Groom proposes to the Bride in front of at least two male witnesses using specific language and phrases called the meher.  Both Bride and Groom show their willingness to enter into marriage with each other stating “qabul”, translating from the Arabic language as “I accept”.  After this, both parties sign the marriage contract making the marriage legal in accordance with civil and religious law. The custom concludes with the Bride and Groom sharing a piece of sweet fruit, often a date.

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After the celebration concludes, on the third day, a reception is held.  This particular reception took place at the Upland Event Center which holds 100-250 guests and includes a wedding coordinator to help the party plan a stress-free event that they will remember for the rest of their lives.  One feature that stood out to me as a photographer was a cute little location just across the street that provided the perfect location for shots of the Bridal Party. It seemed almost like the set of a movie. It was my honor to capture this unique and beautiful celebration of love.  

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If you are planning your wedding or special event, and are interested in viewing the Upland Event Center, please visit .  George Swar Photography in Garden Grove specializes in both photography and videography for your special day.  Find more information about us at .  


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[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Fri, 26 Apr 2019 23:54:00 GMT
Notre Dame Cathedral A few images from 2018 summer family trip to Paris but on April 15, 2019 fire break out at this church.

The cathedral was built on a small island called the Île de la Cité, in the middle of the Seine. Construction began in 1163, during the reign of King Louis VII, and was completed in 1345. It is considered a jewel of medieval Gothic architecture.

Read more....

Notre Dame CathedralNotre Dame Cathedral#NotreDameCathedral #notredamecathedral #notredameparis #paris #phrasaverbs #Repost #heidimollenhauer #hunchbackofnotredame #singer #sing #vocalist #vocals #disney #esmeralda #stephenschwartz #alanmenken #studio #recording #voice #voiceoveractor #voiceactor #voiceacting #notre #notredame #cathedral #notredamecathedralparis #travelholic #traveladdict #visitparis #savethehistory
Notre Dame CathedralNotre Dame Cathedral#NotreDameCathedral #notredamecathedral #notredameparis #paris #phrasaverbs #Repost #heidimollenhauer #hunchbackofnotredame #singer #sing #vocalist #vocals #disney #esmeralda #stephenschwartz #alanmenken #studio #recording #voice #voiceoveractor #voiceactor #voiceacting #notre #notredame #cathedral #notredamecathedralparis #travelholic #traveladdict #visitparis #savethehistory


[email protected] (George Swar Photography) #alanmenken #cathedral #disney #esmeralda #heidimollenhauer #hunchbackofnotredame #notre #notredame #notredamecathedral #notredamecathedralparis #notredameparis #paris #phrasaverbs #recording #Repost #savethehistory #sing #singer #stephenschwartz #studio #traveladdict #travelholic #visitparis #vocalist #vocals #voice #voiceacting #voiceactor #voiceoveractor Tue, 16 Apr 2019 18:09:03 GMT
Show Room

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) #8 & (97410 0 007 01 0-105 011 019 03 07712 080 0800 085 1 1+ 10 101 104 109 123 16 2 2016 21 212 22 220f 222 26 28 3 305 35 360 383 4 40 41 44 46 475 48 4s 4x4 5 50 504 52 53 54 56 58 5g 6 60 62 63 64 674 6th 7 70 76 77 79 8 8&9 84 88 9 902 920 974 97410 99 999 a a&f a.j a+r activa address admin advisor agra aix allauch anantapur and andhra and-showroom annie app apple asbury astron athens auction audi auto availability ave award b b&b b&h b&o b&q b+ baby balangir baleno baltimore bandung bangalore bar barat bathrooms bbsr be bedroom bekasi bellampalli bellevue bengal beograd bh bhimnagar big bihar bike black blinds bmw boca bon boundaries boutique brigade bto built c c/o ca calgary capacity car care careers carpet cars centura chas cheese chennai chevrolet chicago chrompet chuck cinema class clothes clothing cloud club colour commission contains cooler cornelius cp cross crossword curren curren$y customer cycle d d'achat dar day dc dealership decor definition delhi department description design desk detail detailing dhaka dimensions discount display displays dog door double doubleu download dresses dubai dubuque dummies dwarka e é e-commerce eddie education e-estonia egypt electrolux element elevation eliane emag en entrance ep es escape eshowroom eshowroom/toyota ets events ex exactly exterior f f&d f&f facade fashion finder finish floor for ford forza french furniture fz g gadget gallerie gallery gan gang garage gerd glam glass glassdoor glossier golden gondola google gorontalo granary great greeter gta guard guntur gurgaon guwahati h h&h h&m hdb hero holmes home homes honda honor host hotel hours houses hp hyderabad hyundai i icon ideas idol ikea images in inc india instrumental interior iowa iphone is ishowroom j j.c.b jacket jaguar jaipur jakarta japan jeep jharkhand job jobs jodhpur j's k k&h k&n karizma karnataka kia kilgore kitchen kitchens knoll kohler kolkata kota kralja kshow kshowonline l l&t la las layout le leather letv level lexus lights like lilly lincoln lines list lite live living logo london ludhiana lyrics m m.g.brothers m.m. madurai magari mahindra malaysia manager marcona maria mart max mazda me meaning medan mellie menara merchandising mi microwave mill mirror mobil mobile mode model molecule mon moto movies mp3 mumbai mwanza my n n&s nadu nagar nails names nashville nc near new next nike nissan nj nội nokia note n-showroom nugget nyc o odisha of offers office on one oneplus oppo optika or oto outlast outlook owner paint painting panels paris park patamata perodua petra petroupoli philadelphia photos pixel pl plan planet plus polo portinari pradesh price prive pro program prom promise proton provence proyectos pulsar pune punjab q qatar quality que queen quiminet quiz quotation quotes r rack raipur rajasthan rally ranchi ranking rating raton rav4 ray ready real rectangular redmi registration renault rent rental residence retail réunion reviews revit riga road roman romeo room roommate rooms rotterdam ruse s s&k s.s salaam salary sale salem sales salon sample samsung sathyamangalam scooter scorpio season seasons sector secunderabad sells separation series service sheffield shelves shine shipping shirt shock shoes show showflat showroom showrooming showroomprive showrooms shows sign sims soundcloud sphere star stockholm store stores st-pierre) street studio studios sumatera supply surabaya synonym t table tacoma tags tại tamil tanzania techno telangana temperature tesla texas thamardi thar thất the three tickets tiles timisoara tinting titan titchfield to tool torch toronto tour toyota transport trebbiano trichy trivandrum truckee tv tvs two tx u ubrania uddin udupi u-foam uk uma un under uniforms unscramble use used utara v vacancy vadodara valley vanity varanasi vegas vertica vertical very vesta video vignette vimal vintage virtual visio visual vora vs v-showroom w wa wagon wall wangsa warehouse wash washington wax wayfair website west wheeler wheels wholesale window with word x y yale yamaha yelm youtube z za zagreb zanzibar zara zotye zug zwroty Tue, 19 Mar 2019 22:15:13 GMT
Kevin & Yvonne's highlights video

Kevin & Yvonne's wedding highlights from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

Kevin & Yvonne's wedding. Ceremony: Saint Barbara Catholic Church, Reception: Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Makeup Artist: UD Global Makeup, Hair Stylist: Kathy Huynh Artistry, Photography: ENCOR Studio, Video: George Swar Photography & Video, Photo Booth: ARROW PHOTOBOOTH, Lion Dancers: Jimmy Le, Wedding Planner:, Lighting/ Pipe & Drape/ DJ & MC: DJZ Productions, Caterer: FURIWA, Chair & Linen Rentals: Mikasa

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) barbara ceremony dress furiwa hyatt location outdoor photobooth regency saint wedding Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:39:00 GMT
Christopher & Jeni's Wedding

Christopher + Jeni's Wedding from George Swar Photo & Video on Vimeo.

Christopher + Jeni's Wedding
Venue: Mesa Verde country club - Costa Mesa
DJ & Lighting: Station Identification 



#golfcoursewedding #wedding #weddingphotography #weddingvenue #weddingdress #weddings #weddingideas #weddinginspo #weddingmakeup #brideandgroom #ido #love #loveintheair #golfcourse #golfcoursephotos #mountainwedding #silvertip #silvertipresort #canmorewedding #silvertipresortwedding #weddingphotoinspiration #weddingseason #weddingplanning #justmarried #mountainlife #luxurywedding #destinationwedding #weddingphoto #fallvibes #weddingwednesday #mesaverdecountryclub #costamesawedding #georgeswarphotovideo

[email protected] (George Swar Photography) Sat, 13 Oct 2018 22:12:00 GMT
G+J Engagement GJE18-0052AGJE18-0052A GJE18-0074AGJE18-0074A GJE18-0076AGJE18-0076A

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